Here are some frequently asked question on the training we provide. We hope it answers some of your questions and if not, send us an email at contact@onlinebbp.com

Q: Who should use this training?

A: All personnel that may be exposed to bloodborne pathogens or materials that may contain bloodborne pathogens should take this annual training according to the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard.

Q: Why should our institution or company use this training?

A: By using this online BBP training module, the training is offered on demand and more convenient for individual users as they can be trained according to their schedule. Your company or institution would not have to organize a training session and schedule to allow all employees to attend. Alternate shifts, off site, and telecommuting staff members can all meet their annual training requirement and increase your compliance levels.

Q: What if I do not have any or handle biological materials?

A: You still might have some potential for exposure and would require training. For instance, housekeeping staff that may come in contact with soiled linen, or instrumentation techs that service medical equipement, or lifeguards that treat wounds, are all examples of non-laboratory personnel that are at risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens.

Q: What if I am in charge of clinical trials that take patient samples?

A: Handling human blood or other fluids/materials falls under the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard and compliance is dependent on knowing who and where these materials are handled. Even those that package and ship patient samples would be required to be trained. Naturally, all staff with direct contact of patient blood or OPIM require annual training for compliance with the OSHA BBP Standard.

Q: How much does your training cost?

A: Individual training costs are $35 per person. However, non-profit organizations, educational facilities, and group discounts do apply. For a more direct quote, please contact us and we would be happy to assist you.

Q: How would we pay for your training?

A: Currently, we are unable to accept credit card payments. Once we have the names of all the personnel to be trained, we would assign usernames and passwords and forward them along with an invoice for the total amount. Checks would be made out to Midwest Biosafety Consultants.

Q: Do you keep any training records?

A: We do follow the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard by keeping all training records for a minimum of three years. Records are kept with redundant back ups electronically and are available by request for instiutional review. This is one of many advantages to using our training module as the responsibility of record keeping is ours and not on you.

Q: Is this training compliant with the OSHA BBP Standard?

A: All aspects of this training module fulfill the requirements set forth in the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard. Record keeping, subject material, current topics are all covered within this module in a comprehensive fashion. Noteworthy is the availability for questions to be answered as part of BBP training. OSHA Compliance Officers have assured us that the use of elctronic email and Contact Us messaging is an appropriate means of asking questions and receiving replies. Questions or comments during normal working hours are answered ASAP, while questions sent after hours or on weekends may not receive an immediate reply. They will receive a reply within 24 hours.

Q: What browser should I use for this training?

A: Currently, Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, and Mac compatible browsers all work on this training.