
What Is HD Lipo?

HD lipo or VASER is a new ultrasound liposuction procedure that takes traditional lipo to the next level. Like with regular lipo, HD removes fat strategically from some places in the body to show off the natural structure beneath.

VASER is short for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy of Resonance. This procedure uses a device that liquefies the fat cells before removing them from the body. The surgeon also applies tumescent fluid to the area, which helps break down the fat even more and sedates the location.

When the fat is broken down, the surgeon uses suction to remove it from the body altogether. This method can be used on almost any body part, such as the arms, chest, shoulders, abs, buttocks, and inner thighs. HD Body High Definition lipo sculpts the body to the perfect natural shape, removing fat from select areas and, if necessary, re-injecting the fat into other sites for the best possible contours.

If you’re already healthy but struggling to get those last layers of fat out of the way for a defined appearance, HD lipo is right for you.

Think you might be a candidate? Let’s take a closer look at what makes you a good fit. Book a consultation with Dr. Cyr.

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